Organizational Identity Processes in New Venture Engaged in Business Model Innovation[1]
Jingwei Zhang1, Neill Stern2, Yiqing He3
(1. School of Economics and Management, Yanshan University; 2. Orfalea College of Business, California Polytechnic State University; 3. College of Education, Tianjin University)
Abstract:: Although there has been an increasing interest in the actions that entrepreneurs undertake to build organizational identity in new venture settings, less is known about the identity dynamics when a new venture engages in business model innovation. Although previous studies suggest more-or-less linear models to delineate this process, the complexity inherent in this process may be underestimated. By taking a strategic action perspective, and based on a longitudinal case study, we put forth a new theoretical model, which not only confirms some of the themes recurring in previous literature, but also reveals several important insights which contribute to organizational identity as well as entrepreneurship literature.
Keywords: new ventureorganization identity formation linear model process strategic action business model innovation
[1]The draft was finished when the first author was a visiting scholar at Orfalea College of Business of California Polytechnic State University where he received generous support. A grant from the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC grant no. 71672167; grant no. 71302176; no. 71602141) supported this study. The authors are responsible, however, for conclusions and views, which may not necessarily represent those of the sponsors.