Research on Entrepreneurships: Three Exorable Laws of the Sustainability of product’s Intrinsic Value[1]
Renjiang Zhang1,2,Yue Li1, Huajing Li2,3
Abstract: Focused on products or services in the free market, this paper brings up three principles on how to extend the longevity of articles of consumption: firstly, product value is realized mainly by entrepreneur’s endeavor; secondly, product’s market behavior reflects interacting results from manufacturers’ thrust and resistance; and finally, the essence of products’ market value is determined by how users and consumers feel about using experiences.
Keywords: Intrinsic value Sustainability of Value Entrepreneurs Consumers Innovation
[1]1 Nankai University Binhai College, Tianjin, China
2 The Research Center of Entrepreneurship, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
3Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China