


朱立冬12,詹 萍1

(1.安徽师范大学经济管理学院 2.安徽师范大学创新经济研究院 中国 安徽芜湖241003)



How can Crowdsourcing Promote Customer Participation?

Case Study of Cowin Auto CrowdsourcingBusiness Model

Zhu Lidong1,2Zhan Ping1

( 1.School of Economics and Management,2.Anhui Institute of Innovation Economics,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,Anhui)

Absract:This paper uses case study to conduct in-depth research on Cowin Auto, and to explore the innovation ofbusiness model from four aspects: customer value proposition, value creation, value network and operating efficiency. The study found that the customer participation is themost important innovation in the crowdsourcing model of car manufacturing. First, determining customer value proposition with "user thinking" as a guide, Cowin Auto holds that the youths in Internet era are eagered to participate in car manufacturing process and emphasizing the value of customer experience in the process. Second, in the value creation phase, Cowin Auto has released different types of crowdsourcing tasks to attract different levels of automotive enthusiasts to participate in the design. Throgh this way, Cowin Auto can reduce the cost and enhance the sense of participation of customers at the same time. Third, talking about the value network, Cowin Auto has taken several steps to enhance customer service, for example, accelerating the construction of the channel, marketing with Internet thinking, emphasizing customer participation and word of mouth. The last, Cowin Auto has won the attention of media and the recognition of the majority of the customers. The promotion of corporate image and social influence will bring long-term benefits for Cowin Auto.

Key Words: crowdsourcing business model customer participation case study


作者简介:朱立冬(1977- ),男,安徽六安人,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为网络营销、创新创业。E-mail:zhulidong7770@163.com。詹萍(1993- ),女,安徽安庆人,硕士研究生,研究方向为网络营销。

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