1.清华大学 经济管理学院,北京 100084;
2.马鞍山职业技术学院 马鞍山 安徽 243031
Research on the Influence of Entrepreneurship Education on College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention
——Comparing University Students with Vocational Students
WANG Xinhuan1, BO Fuyao2, LEI Jiasu1
(1.School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2.Maanshan Technical College, Maanshan Anhui 243031, China)
Abstract: This research which is based on “Survey of 2015 college students’ entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial intention” collected 15624 questionnaires from 37 universities and 15 vocational colleges. This paper analyzes influence factors of college students’ entrepreneurial intention through hierarchical regression analysis, and focuses on entrepreneurship education's influence on entrepreneurial intention as well as moderate effect to entrepreneurial attitude, by comparing university students with vocational students. The study discovers that family environment is the most significant environmental factors to college students' entrepreneurial intention; economic pursuit and self-actualization of entrepreneurial attitude have the greatest influence on college students' entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurship education in universities enhances the students' entrepreneurial intention, and entrepreneurship practice activities have the greatest impact, but entrepreneurship education in vocational colleges is not so effective; entrepreneurship education adjusts the influence of entrepreneurial attitude on entrepreneurial intention, mainly strengthens the impact of pursuit attitude to entrepreneurial intention. Based on above, this paper puts forward some enlightenments and suggestions for domestic entrepreneurship education.
Keywords: entrepreneurship education entrepreneurial intention entrepreneurial attitude college students