



(中南财经政法大学 经济学院,湖北 武汉 430073)



Environmental Regulation, Technological Innovation and the Quality of Export Products

——An Empirical Analysis Bsaed on Dynamic Panel Data of Manufacturing

Abstract:The existing literature on environmental regulation and export competitiveness is mainly based on the traditional comparative advantage, which can not truly reflect the level of a country's export competitiveness with the gradual deepening of vertical specialization. Hence, from the perspective of quality competitiveness, based on the panel data of 27 manufacturing industries in China for years 2000~2011, this paper uses SYS-GMM empirical method to analyze the effects of environmental regulation on the quality of export products. The major findings of this paper lie below: there is a U-shaped dynamic relationship between environmental regulation and the quality of export products in all industries and high pollution industries, while there is no significant effect of environmental regulation on the quality of export productsin the low pollution industries. Under the restriction of environmental regulation, technology introduction has greatly promoted quality upgrading of export products,while independent R&D has played a role in inhibition,Since Chinese enterprises prefer technology introduction to independent R&D to find innovations. Based on the above findings, this paper provides some policy enlightenments for the government to implement appropriate environmental regulation and adopt differentiatedenvironmental regulation tools.

Keywords: environmental regulation Technological Innovationquality of export productsmanufacturingSYS-GMM



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