A Study on the Relationship between SustainableDeveloping Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

A Study on the Relationship between SustainableDeveloping Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth


Abstract:China, as a representative of developing countries and transition economy, whose entrepreneurial activities are tested by the transformation of economic growth and minimizing the destruction of natural environment. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development is introduced to this context, which focus on the relationship between institution, entrepreneurial activities and economic growth. By summing up the previous research, the propositions of the relationship between sustainable developing institutions, entrepreneurial activities and economic growth are brought up.

Keywords: sustainable development institutional environment entrepreneurial activities economic growth.

[1]HUAJING LI, PH.D. Professor of Entrepreneurship and ManagementBeijing Forestry UniversitySchool of Economics and ManagementDepartment of Business AdministrationTeaching and Research Building, Room C0627No.35 Qinghua East Road, Beijing, China, 100083Tel: 86-10-6233-8644Email: lihuajing@bjfu.edu.cn

YONGHUI LI, PH.D.Student of Business MangementRENMIN University of ChinaSchool of BusinessNo. 59 Zhongguancun Street, Beijing, China, 100872E-mail: liyonghuilx@163.com

ZIANG ZHANG, UndergraduateStudent of Business AdministrationBeijing Forestry UniversitySchool of Economics and ManagementDepartment of Business AdministrationNo.35 Qinghua East Road, Beijing, China, 100083Email: ziang@bjfu.edu.cn

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