




Does effectuation improve new venture performance?

Abstract:Effectuation is empirical tested in context of entrepreneurship in more and more literatures, but it’s still a controversial question about whether effectuation can improve new venture performance. This paper studies thedirect impact of effectuation on new venture performance, the mediating effect of entrepreneurial resource combination and the moderating effect of environmental dynamics. Examining 307 new venture's data, it is found that while the principle of affordable loss has no significant impact on new venture performance, the principle of experiment, exploiting contingencies and pre-commitment have significantly positive effect on new venture performance. It is also found that entrepreneurial resource cohesion and coupling positively mediate the relationship between experiment and new venture performance, exploiting contingencies and new venture performance.Entrepreneurial resource cohesion positively mediates the positive relationship between pre-commitment and new venture performance. Empirical studies also show thatenvironmental dynamics negatively moderates the relationship between experiment and entrepreneurial resource combination (including entrepreneurial resource cohesion and entrepreneurial resource coupling). The paper also empirically checked a mediated moderation model. The paper covers the shortage of empirical study of effectuation in China’s context, and contributes to literature on research of the relationship between effectuation and new venture performance. 

Key Words: Effectuation Entrepreneurial resource combination Environmental dynamics Resource cohesion Resource coupling


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