


霍俊爽 王艳春 辛程远 徐卫东 贾翠平 金连海

(吉林医药学院,吉林省 吉林 132013)

摘要:医学院校创新创业教育模式研究与实践是当前医学教育中的新课题,以吉林医药学院创新创业(以下简称“双创”)教育为例,介绍了八方面的具体做法:“强化顶层设计,凝聚‘双创’共识” “理顺管理机制,落实‘双创’责任” “加强课程建设,夯实‘双创’基础”“改革教学方法,提高‘双创’质量、“强化实践训练,提升‘双创’能力”“改革教学管理,激发‘双创’活力”“建好师资队伍,引领‘双创’走向”“加大资金投入,强化‘双创’保障”。逐渐构建了医学院校的创新创业教育模式。


[中图分类号] G642.0   [文献标识码] A


——Taking“panoramic pan model ”innovationandentrepreneurshipeducationinJilinMedicalUniversityasanexample*

HUO Jun-Shuang WANG Yan-chunXIN Cheng-yuan XU Wei-dong JIA Cui-ping JIN Lian-hai

JiLin Medical University,Jilin 132013,Jilin Province,China

Abstract:The research and practice of innovation and entrepreneurship education model in the medical colleges is the new project of the current medical education. Taking Jilin Medical University as an example, this project introduces the specific actions from the following eight aspects: "enhance the top design, focus the double innovation consensus" ; arrange the managing mechanism, ascertain the double innovation responsibility"; reinforce the curriculum construction, tamp the double innovation basement"; reform the teaching methodology, improve the double innovation quality"; intensify the practical training, promote the double innovation ability" ; "reform the teaching management, motivate the double innovation vigour "; "build the teaching faculty, leading the double innovation"; "enlarge the funding input, strengthen the double innovation security." Gradually build the medical college's innovation and entrepreneurship education mode.

Keywords:Innovation and entrepreneurship educationCollegestudentEducational model

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